India’s Landmark Ruling on Same-Sex Unions
In a groundbreaking legal decision, India’s Supreme Court has declined to legally recognize same-sex unions. While this ruling may appear as a setback for LGBTQ rights, it also emphasizes the importance of ensuring freedom from prejudice and discrimination. This article dives into the significance of this landmark ruling, exploring its implications for the LGBTQ community in India.
Recognition Denied, Relationships Acknowledged
Campaigners had fervently sought legal recognition of same-sex marriages under Indian law, aiming to secure the same privileges and rights afforded to heterosexual couples. Although their quest for marriage equality was not fulfilled, they welcomed the court’s acknowledgment of same-sex relationships. This dual outcome of the ruling encapsulates the complexities of LGBTQ rights in India.
The Verdict: A Glimpse into the Courtroom
A five-judge constitution bench, led by India’s Chief Justice, delivered the much-anticipated verdict in a two-hour session that was streamed live across the nation. Crowds outside the court gathered, their eyes glued to their cellphones, to witness this historic moment. The courtroom was charged with tension and anticipation.
Embracing the Natural Phenomenon of Queerness
Chief Justice D. Y. Chandrachud highlighted the natural essence of queerness in his address. He stated that queerness is a “natural phenomenon” and called upon the government to ensure that the “queer community is not discriminated against because of their gender identity or sexual orientation.” This recognition of the LGBTQ community’s natural existence was a pivotal statement.
Emphasizing Choice and Commitment
Justice S. Ravindra Bhat emphasized the uncontestable right of LGBTQ couples to choose their life partners and celebrate their commitment within the social realm as they see fit. This acknowledgment of individual choice and commitment to their relationships is a significant step forward.
No Legal Entitlement for Same-Sex Unions
Justice Bhat clarified that while LGBTQ couples have the right to choose their partners and celebrate their commitment, this does not extend to claiming a legal entitlement to the same status or benefits associated with marriage. The legal status of same-sex unions remains a complex issue.
Examining Discriminatory Laws
Justice Bhat proposed the formation of a “high-powered committee” to assess laws that indirectly discriminate against LGBTQ couples. Such laws often deny these couples “compensatory benefits or social welfare entitlements” typically granted to legally married couples. He acknowledged that the court cannot address this complex task within the judicial framework and that the state must examine the impact of these policies and entitlements.
Barriers to Legal Benefits
India’s existing marriage laws create significant hurdles for LGBTQ couples. These laws prevent millions of such couples from accessing the legal benefits associated with marriage, including matters related to adoption, insurance, and inheritance. Over a dozen petitioners challenged these laws, bringing their case to the Supreme Court.
Mixed Reactions to the Verdict
The verdict stirred mixed reactions among the LGBTQ community and their allies. While some considered it a diplomatic step in the right direction, others found it somewhat lacking. The nuances of the ruling generated diverse opinions among activists and bystanders.
Shifting Cultural Perspectives
India boasts a vibrant LGBTQ community and a history that includes LGBTQ elements within Hindu mythology and ancient texts. However, the colonial-era penal code of 1860 criminalized same-sex intercourse and limited marriage rights to heterosexual couples. The fight for LGBTQ rights in India has been a complex and evolving journey.
India’s Changing Landscape
In a significant victory for LGBTQ rights in India, the Supreme Court overturned the colonial-era law criminalizing same-sex intercourse in 2018. However, the legislation restricting marriage rights to heterosexual couples remained intact. Since then, surveys have indicated growing acceptance of homosexuality in Indian society, reflecting shifting cultural perspectives.
Challenges Remain
Despite these positive developments, India still grapples with conservative voices opposing same-sex unions. Religious leaders have asserted that marriage should be solely for procreation and not for recreation. The road to achieving full legal recognition and equality for LGBTQ individuals in India remains challenging but continues to gather momentum.
The verdict on same-sex unions in India is another chapter in the evolving story of LGBTQ rights in the country. While the legal battle for marriage equality persists, the recognition of same-sex relationships and the changing cultural landscape are promising signs of progress in the fight against discrimination and prejudice.

Author of Social News Outlet, Tanvi Garg weaves compelling narratives that illuminate the human stories behind headlines.