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Christopher Judge, the voice actor behind Kratos in the God of War series, has revealed that he turned down an offer to voice the younger version of the character in a sequence featured in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla. Judge explained his decision and emphasized the importance of making the character of Kratos his own rather than attempting to voice match the original portrayal by Terrence Carson.

Key Points

  1. Refusal to Voice Younger Kratos:
    • Christopher Judge, known for his role as Kratos in the God of War series, refused an offer to voice the younger version of Kratos in a sequence in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla.
    • The refusal was based on Judge’s belief that attempting to voice match the original portrayal by Terrence Carson, Kratos’ voice actor in the earlier God of War trilogy, would be a disservice to both Carson and himself.
  2. Terrence Carson’s Impact:
    • Judge mentioned that he did not go through the earlier God of War trilogy in preparation for his role in the new series because of Terrence Carson’s exceptional performance as Kratos in the original series.
    • From the beginning, the goal was for Judge to bring his interpretation to the character of Kratos rather than attempting to mimic Carson’s voice.
  3. Reverence for Original Work:
    • Judge expressed his reverence for Terrence Carson’s work and stated that trying to match the voice of an established character would be a slight to both the original voice actor and himself.
    • He emphasized the importance of making the character his own and revealed that Santa Monica Studio did not ask for a voice match.
  4. Possible Scene in Valhalla DLC:
    • It is suggested that the refusal to voice the younger Kratos may be related to a scene involving Kratos confronting his younger self in the Valhalla DLC of God of War Ragnarok.
    • During the sequence, the younger Kratos remains silent, and the conversation is led by the older Kratos.


Christopher Judge’s decision not to voice the younger version of Kratos reflects his commitment to bringing a unique interpretation to the character and avoiding attempts to mimic the original portrayal. This choice reinforces the idea of giving voice actors creative freedom to make iconic characters their own while respecting the contributions of those who came before them.