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The Detroit Pistons have made NBA history by setting a new single-season record with 27 consecutive losses, marking a historic low for the team. The streak surpasses losing records in various professional sports leagues and has led to increased frustration among Pistons fans, evident in chants urging team ownership to “sell the team.”

Key Points:

  • Last Victory: The Pistons’ losing streak began on October 28, and they haven’t secured a win since then. This extended period without a victory has heightened the team’s struggles and tested the resilience of both players and fans.
  • Historic Comparison: The Pistons’ 27-game losing streak is already one of the worst in American professional sports. It exceeds the longest losing streaks in MLB, the NHL, the WNBA, and the post-merger NFL.
  • NBA All-Time Record: While the Pistons have set a single-season record, the all-time NBA record for consecutive losses is held by the Philadelphia 76ers, who lost 28 straight games over two seasons in 2014-15.
  • Player Performance: Despite the team’s challenges, Cade Cunningham has emerged as a standout player, notably scoring 41 points, grabbing nine rebounds, and providing five assists in the recent game against the Brooklyn Nets.
  • Fan Frustration: The prolonged losing streak has fueled frustration among Pistons fans, leading to vocal protests and chants for the team’s ownership to sell the franchise.


  • The Pistons’ historic losing streak underscores the difficulties faced by the team and highlights the need for a comprehensive reassessment of the organization, from management to player strategies.
  • The resilience and individual achievements of players like Cade Cunningham provide a silver lining amid the challenging season.
  • The passionate response from fans reflects the emotional investment and expectations associated with professional sports, urging the team’s ownership to address the underlying issues contributing to the extended period of losses.

As the Pistons navigate this challenging period, attention will turn to the organization’s strategies for recovery, potential changes in leadership, and the impact on the morale of both players and fans.